- Download essential apps to your smart phone
Wechat – used for heath code information input, also main app for chat communications in China, will allow easy communication with your local Shell / Outpost representatives.
Alipay – Used for health code information input.
Google Translate – Helps translating and communicating with immigration officials, doctor etc during your quarantine.
- Pack for 14 day quarantine and be prepared for additional 14 days if anyone on flight tests positive for Covoid-19
- Testing & Quarantine differs between regions in China.
Arrivals In Shanghai will get green health code on completion of 14 day quarantine (28 days if covoid-19 infection on your plane).
Arrivals in Qingdao do a minimum 14 day quarantine in government appointed hotel. Then a further 14 days at home before receiving green health code allowing free movement in Shandong province and around China.
If you arrive in Shanghai then travel to Shandong province within 28 days of your arrival you will be required to do 3 further covoid -19 tests and additional quarantine upto 14 days. Before your Shandong health code updates to green. (you cannot avoid 28 days quarantine) Alternatively you can stay in shanghai until your Shandong health code turns green then travel to Shandong without restrictions.
- Can I chose my quarantine accommodation?
- No you have no choice accommodation is allocated on arrival.

- What is food like in quarantine?
- Basic Chinese boiled rice, vegetables & meat for main meals. Breakfast boiled egg & steamed buns with pickle. Drinks water, occasional soya milk or fruit juice (NO TEA OR COFFEE) one piece of fruit per day. Chopsticks are provided for eating but no knife, fork or spoon.

- Is there Vegetarian or special dietary options.
- No although food is served in trays with separate compartments for rice, vegetables & Meat.
- Can we stay in same room?
- Adults will be in separate rooms **If you are traveling as a couple make sure you pack separate bags as it is not possible to send items between rooms.**
- Families – Adults will be in separate rooms and depending on number of children they will stay with one adult. **Up to two children per adult per room***TIP decide who is staying with who during quarantine and pack accordingly**
- Can I leave my room during quarantine?
- No you are in room for duration of quarantine 14 days up to 28 days.
- Are there laundry facilities?
- No, be prepared to clean your own clothes for duration of quarantine, hand wash in sink.
- Is there Wifi internet access?
- Yes most hotels have wifi it is subject to Chinese law according to content so you might not be able to access all content you normally view. Eg. No BBC iplayer.
- What tests do I have to do during quarantine?
- Shanghai, on arrival there is a nose probe covoid-19 test **This is a very uncomfortable procedure carried out in an ISO container with upto 30 people tested at the same time. Most children were distressed, crying & screaming and had to be restrained during test. NOT SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN!!!**. At hotel a second covoid-19 throat swab test 3 days before end of quarantine. This is an easy test ok for children. *IMPORTANT You will need to sign a form on arrival that you require the second test (if you intend to leave shanghai after your quarantine). If not chase the hotel staff up to ensure you get it as you need it for travel outside Shanghai.
- Qingdao covoid-19 throat and nose swab test on arrival (from feedback this is not too distressing or uncomfortable for children. You can also ask for small children to just get throat swab. Minimum 14 day in quarantine then further 14 day home quarantine before green health code allowing free travel in Shandong. Further swab test and blood test before end of quarantine.
- How do I take my temperature during quarantine?
- You are given a thermometer on arrival at quarantine center for taking your own / childrens temperature once in morning and once in afternoon which you then upload by scanning a wechat code every day of quarantine. ***Ensure you have a wechat app and account on your phone prior to your flight***.
- Does the hotel have air conditioning?
- NOT ALL, some have some don’t just depends where you are allocated.
- Do staff speak English, Are forms in other languages?
- Not all quarantine hotel staff / doctors speak English or languages other than Chinese. Some only Chinese. In Qingdao all arrival forms currently in Chinese only but staff very helpful. In Shanghai forms in Chinese and English only.
- Can I get my own food delivered?
- Only packet foods like instant noodles as all deliveries will be disinfected in hotel. No takeaway food allowed.
- Can I get cigarettes & Alcohol delivered?
- No no cigarettes, alcohol or lighters (flammable substances) delivered to room.
- I need additional supplies delivered to my room how do I order?
- You can order online if you have wechat / Alipay or we have local contact who you can phone / message and we will arrange. **IMPORTANT deliveries to rooms only once a day at 5pm so you may have to wait 24 hours for your order**
- What Happens at end of my Quarantine?
- Ensure you get your paper certificate for completion of quarantine (given as you check out). In Qingdao Your local Shell office will have been in contact with you and have someone outside to collect you and take you to your china accommodation.
Shanghai after quarantine your health code is updated to green and you are free to travel within the city. NOTE some regions have different requirements check before arranging onward travel. Eg. Shandong Qingdao you will be required to do additional tests on arrival and additional quarantine if you don’t have Qingdao green health code (takes 28 days).
Qingdao Shandong After 14 days quarantine your health code is yellow you are required to do additional 14 days home quarantine before health code turns green and then you can travel freely.
Q Do rooms have TV
A Yes Mostly Chinese local channels, some have international news channel but no foreign language childrens channels.
- Ensure you have duplicate copies of all paperwork pack for each adult including
Current covoid-19 test certificate.
Completed health declaration form online
Copy information page on your passport & visa page. *this will speed up your form filling on arrival as your passports are taken from you for copying *
Keep your boarding cards as you need to fill out seat number and flight details.
Get wechat, Alipay and google translate apps on your smart phone.
Plan what you are going to do for your 14 days.
- Allow plenty of time to avoid stress, Follow airline instructions on checking flights days before departure to ensure you don’t miss any changes.
- Your smart phone is your most important item after your travel documents. Ensure it is FULLY CHARGED on arrival as you will need it for your health declaration, down loading health code apps, completing arrivals information and communication with your family and local Shell point of contact.
- Processing through airport takes about 4 hours, there are limited opportunities for toilets so go when you can. Transport to quarantine hotel takes 1-2 hours and processing at hotel takes 1 hour. My flight arrived shanghai 16:45 got to hotel room 22:00.
- Take water with you off the plane there are no shops airside to hotel checkin. Water is provided in your quarantine accommodation.
- Basic Kit.
- Tea, coffee take your own at least for first few days before you can get delivered to room.
- Any medicine you need FOR 28 DAYS.
- Take Cutlery set knife/fork/spoon/teaspoon if you don’t want to use chopsticks for 14 days.
- Take small container of laundry powder to hand wash clothes if needed.
- Snacks and treats, baby food / formula.
- Travel first aid kit including nail clippers.
- Disinfectant wipes + disinfectant (you clean your own room for duration)
- Spare thermometer.
- Travel adaptor socket, not all hotels have universal sockets or usb points for charging your smart phones / electrical items.
- Spare medical grade face masks.
- Hand sanitizer, travel wipes & gloves.
- Give yourself tasks to do to break up the day.
- Take the opportunity to learn something new eg improve your Chinese language skills.
- Try to do daily exercise keep healthy.
- Keep in contact face time with family and friends (if using wechat ensure they have working wechat profiles before you depart so you can keep in touch). NOTE Facebook and other popular western social media channels are not always accessible in China. To avoid this use Wechat and set up a VPN.
- Be prepared for changes Covoid-19 is an ongoing disease in China with small local flare ups that can lead to localised lockdowns and additional travel restrictions. The current situation in China most daily life activities are going with mask wearing, social distancing & hand washing the only visible signs of ongoing Covoid-19. Health codes are required for travel and shopping and temperature checks at shopping centres hotels and travel hubs.
- IF TRAVELING AS A FAMILY PLAN HOW YOU WILL DIVIDE FOR QUARANTINE AND PACK BAGS ACCORDINGLY. Ensure both adults have copies of all travel documents. Set up Wechat accounts so you can communicate with each other.
- IMPORTANT if any member of family tests positive for Covoid-19 they will be taken from the quarantine ctr to a covoid 19 medical center by themselves all other members of the family will have to stay in quarantine until end of 14 days. So very important to ensure covoid 19 negative tests prior to travel and minimise risk of infection.